The Political Alchemists: Bush and his people can turn anything into muck.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004 at 05:24AM
The people running the Bush campaign are political alchemists: They can
take anything and turn it into dirt. Still naive, even after Swift
boats and everything else, I couldn't believe that Bush's "nuisance"
salvo would work. In fact, when I first heard the accusation (on a
right-wing radio talk show), I couldn't even understand it. John F.
Kerry, quoted in a New York Times Magazine profile a week ago, said he
hoped to see the threat of terrorism reduced some day to the level of a
minor nuisance. The Bush campaign immediately launched a big offensive
on the theme that Kerry thinks terrorism is merely a nuisance.
Huh? Isn't there a difference between hoping that something will happen
and thinking that it has happened already? Do you have to be mired in
logic to suspect that these two states of mind are pretty much the
opposite of each other? The distinction between how you want things to
be and how they really are seems to be a particularly tough one for
President Bush himself. But to count on voters to share this confusion
is pretty courageous. [more ]
When Alan Keyes called Mary Cheney a "selfish hedonist," the Cheneys
stayed silent. So why did they go ballistic when John Kerry praised the
family's tolerance? [more ]
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