Ill-equipped Platoon Arrested Over Refused "Suicide Mission"
Saturday, October 16, 2004 at 05:17AM

The US military has confirmed it is investigating allegations that members of a reserve US army unit in Iraq refused to undertake a convoy mission.  The unit involved is responsible for transporting food, water and fuel for US-led forces, a top US official said. Up to 19 soldiers from the unit based near Talil in southern Iraq allegedly failed to carry out their orders. The soldiers, from a unit north of Baghdad, told family members that they considered the convoy destined for Taji to be a "suicide mission", citing the poor condition of their vehicles and the absence of ground and air support to protect the convoy.The platoon is under arrest for refusing a "suicide mission" to deliver fuel, the troops' relatives said Thursday. Refusal to obey orders in a combat zone is a serious military offence. Yet, the occupation has become a perilous situation, with more than 1,000 US troops killed since the invasion. [more ] and [more ]
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