KC: Latinos object to Racial billboards attacking Congressman
Thursday, October 14, 2004 at 02:39AM

Wyandotte County Latino activists on Wednesday demanded the removal of billboards that reflect Republican Kris Kobach's charges that Democratic Congressman Dennis Moore is soft on immigration. Tino Camacho, president of the local chapter of the League of United Latin American Citizens, called the billboards "racist" and said: "We want the signs out of our community. We want the people held accountable because of all the fear that they have created. This is very, very ... insulting to our community." Placed in areas heavily populated by Hispanic businesses in Kansas City, Kan., the billboards highlight some of Moore's votes on immigration issues. The billboards say: "On June 18, Rep. Dennis Moore voted against enforcement of U.S. immigration law. On July 8, he did it again." The billboards, at three locations in Kansas City, Kan., were paid for independently by the nonprofit ProjectUSA, an organization based in Washington. At a news conference in front of one of the billboards near Seventh Street and Central Avenue, Camacho said the signs send a message that immigrants are unwanted, and he said they assume that most immigrants are undocumented. Craig Nelsen, ProjectUSA's executive director, said the billboards only recite Moore's voting record. Nelsen said he had no intention of taking them down.  [more ]
ProjectUSA = Redneck Haters of NonWhite Immigrants [more hate]
Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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