For this is not really a race between John Kerry
and George W. Bush. Instead it's a race against time to see if scores
of millions of dollars in Republican propaganda will destroy all public
confidence in John Kerry before the news flow of real world events
devours George W. Bush (barring his own self-destruction in the final
debate). Kerry has provided virtually no reason to back him other than
that he is a more rational replacement for the incumbent. The
incumbent, for his part, is quickly losing any rationale for
re-election. Just to rehearse the obvious: We now have his own Iraq
Study Group reporting that not only was Saddam bereft of WMD, but he
had a declining rather than "gathering" capacity to produce them.
Former occupation proconsul L. Paul Bremer admits that the U.S. needed
more troops to prevent chaos in post-invasion Iraq. And on the domestic
front, Bush officially became the first president in seven decades on
whose watch there was a net loss of jobs -- somewhere between a
half-million and a million and a half, depending on how you cut the
numbers. This in spite of his radical intervention in the economy,
having imposed the most sweeping redistribution of wealth upward in the
history of the U.S. But instead of producing the 2 million to 5 million
promised jobs, these tax gifts to the richest among us helped produce
the opposite effect. [more ]
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