A memo with a Lake County Board of Elections
letterhead tells residents not to vote if registered by certain
Democratic or progressive groups. Yes, it's a hoax. No, it's not
unique. But it illustrates the kind of tricks in play as Election Day
draws near. "This is a deliberate attempt to undermine our democracy in
the most partisan manner," said Ron Colvin, head of the Lake County
branch of the NAACP, one of the four supposedly voided groups. Colvin
was stunned when an "urgent advisory" dated Oct. 22 reached his
Painesville home. It claimed to disqualify voters registered by the
NAACP, the Democrats' presidential campaign, their local congressional
campaign, or the voter drive America Coming Together. Colvin said other
Painesville voters got the same letter. Lake Sheriff Dan Dunlap is
investigating. Jess Goode, ACT's Ohio spokesman, said: "This is proof
positive that the Republicans are trying to steal the election in Ohio.
They know they can't win if all legitimate Ohio voters cast their
ballots, so they're kicking up a storm of voter intimidation and
suppression." Dale Fellows, chairman of the Lake County Republican
Party and an elections board member, countered: "It's absolutely
horrible to even suggest that. The Lake County Republican Party has
conducted itself professionally and above board." Fellows said the
letter just might be a reverse hoax - a Democratic frame-up. [more]
Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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