The re-election of President Bush has caused a major
spike in the stock prices of weapons manufacturers like Raytheon and
prescription drug companies like Merck. Why the rise in their
valuation? Because investors know that Bush supports wars and drugs,
and that in his second and final term, the President is no longer held
back by public approval ratings. From here on out, it's all guns,
bombs, needles and pills, folks! Under the Bush administration,
pharmaceutical companies are likely to benefit financially thanks to
ongoing political efforts to outlaw the importation of legal
medications from countries like Canada. Elderly people who "smuggle" a
bottle of statin drugs across the border will soon be arrested and
imprisoned as felons. And once the borders are completely locked down,
just watch as U.S. drug companies hike their prices even further.
Nothing makes prices skyrocket faster than a monopoly sanctioned by the
U.S. government and its federal law enforcement workers. That why, upon
hearing the news that Bush had been re-elected, the stock prices of
companies like Merck and Pfizer leaped up as much as 4% in one day. [more]
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