When 64-year-old Wallace McDonald went to vote
four years ago, he ran up against an old ghost. In 1959, he'd been
arrested for falling asleep on a bus stop bench, and even then--and even
for a black man--that offense was a misdemeanor. But in Katherine
Harris's Florida, it was enough to get his name on the felon purge
list. The vote McDonald intended to cast in 2000, his contribution to
America's destiny, was denied. About midway through this gawdawful
campaign season, a friend told me a lady he goes to church with had
learned we were friends and complained to him that my writing was full
of hate. I have no way of knowing if she was referring to any specific
article or everything I say. Does she read my stuff every week? Or did
she happen to snag a stray BW on her way to the john and caught me on a
bad day? I just don't know. My bet is, though, this lady was
referring to things I've said about George W. Bush. It's been a common
claim against Democrats that we hate him. I've even heard prominent
Demo spokesmen--Paul Begala and James Carville for example--bend over
backwards to say they regard Bush as a nice, likable guy, and that they
merely disagree with his policies. Not me. I speak only for myself, but
I don't regard him as nice and I can't fathom how anyone could find him
likable. The church lady is right. I disagree with Bush's policies,
obviously, but it's the man I hate. And I've been waiting almost four
years to tell you now, on the brink of this election, why. [more ]
Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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