Supreme Court Chief Justice Rehnquist Has Cancer, Will Keep Working 
Monday, November 1, 2004 at 04:39PM
Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, the leading conservative figure on the Supreme Court for a generation, has thyroid cancer but will continue working while receiving treatment. Rehnquist, 80, underwent a tracheotomy at Bethesda Naval Hospital in suburban Maryland on Saturday. While no details about his condition were released, a statement issued by the court said he is expected to be back at work next week when justices resume hearing cases. Even so, Rehnquist's hospitalization little more than a week before the election gave new prominence to a campaign issue that has been overshadowed by the war on terrorism. The next president is likely to at least one - and likely more - to a court that has been deeply divided in recent years on issues as varied as abortion and the 2000 election itself. Rehnquist, a conservative named to the court in 1972 by President Richard Nixon and elevated to chief justice by President Ronald Reagan in 1986, sided with the 5-4 majority in the decision giving George Bush the presidency. [more ]
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