Ohio GOP drops thousands of voter registration challenges after glitch found
Monday, November 1, 2004 at 04:56PM
Ohio Republicans, who on Friday had filed 35,000 voter registration challenges in 65 of Ohio's 88 counties (see previous report on JURIST's Paper Chase), today withdrew thousands of those challenges. The withdrawal came after they discovered errors in their filings apparently caused by a computer glitch. The party had already withdrawn about 7,500 challenges over the weekend because the names and addresses on the GOP list did not match voter rolls. However, the largest batch of challenges, 17,000 in Cleveland's Cuyahoga County, were found to have had no errors and are still being processed. It's too late to file a new challenge under the statute the party used, John Williams, election director in Hamilton County, said Monday. There appeared to be an error in the database program used to print the challenges, so that addresses weren't matched with the correct names, he said. [more ]

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