White Victim Percentage
1. Texas 79% (229/289)[su'b']
2 Virginia 80% (70/87)
3. Missouri 78% (46/59)
4. Oklahoma 78% (43/55)
5. Florida 80% (43/54)
6. Georgia 94% (29/31)
7. South Carolina 64% (18/28)
8. Louisiana 81% (22/27)
9. Alabama 76% (19/25)
10. Arkansas 92% (22/24)
11. North Carolina 87% (20/23)
12. Arizona 86% (19/22)
13. Delaware 69% (9/13)
14. Illinois 75% (9/12)
15. California 80% (8/10)
16. Indiana 89% (8/9)
17. Nevada 100% (9/9)
18. Mississippi 67% (4/6)
19. Utah 100% (6/6)
20. Ohio 80% (4/5)
21. Washington 100% (4/4)
22. Nebraska 100% (3/3)
23. Maryland 100% (3/3)
24. Pennsylvania 67% (2/3)
25. Kentucky 100% (2/2)
26. Montana 100% (2/2)
27. Oregon 100% (2/2)
28. U.S. 0% (0/2)
29. Colorado 100% (1/1)
30. Idaho 100% (1/1)
31. New Mexico 100% (1/1)
32. Tennessee 100% (1/1)
33. Wyoming 100% (1/1) [more ] and [more]
From David C. Baldus and George Woodworth. Race Discrimination and the
Legitimacy of Capital Punishment: Reflections on the Interaction of
Fact and Perception. 53 DePaul L. Rev. 1411. Summer 2004