Voter Registration Booming for Dems in Ohio and Florida
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 at 07:16PM
New York Times' Fessenden reports, "a sweeping voter"
regis. campaign in heavily Dem areas has added tens of thousands of new
voters to the rolls in the purple states of OH and FL, "a surge that
has far exceeded the efforts" of the GOP in both states, a review of
registration data shows. The analysis by NYT of county-by-county data
shows that in Dem areas of OH -- "primarily low-income and minority
neighborhoods -- new registrations since January have risen 250 percent
over the same period in 2000." In comparison, new registrations have
increased just 25% in GOP areas. A "similar pattern is apparent" in FL;
in the strongest Dem areas, the pace of new registration is 60% higher
than in 2000, while it has risen just 12% in the "heaviest" GOP areas.
While "comparable data could not be obtained for other swing states,
similar registration drives have been mounted in them as well, and
party officials on both sides say record numbers of new voters are
being registered nationwide. This largely hidden but deadly earnest
battle is widely believed by campaign" pros to be "potentially
decisive" in the WH campaign. The "precise impact of the swell in
registration is difficult to predict, as there is no reliable gauge of
how many of these new voters will actually vote. Some experts, though,
say that the spike has not been accurately captured by political polls
and could confound prognostications in closely conested states".
The Hotline September 27, 2004 [more ]