Ron Walters: Who Controls the Black Vote? 
Friday, September 17, 2004 at 06:48AM

The mechanism used to assert control of the Black vote is the process of  accountability, that is, an organization that is able to claim precise numbers of those who register and voted in using the financial resources provided. A ridiculous claim has been that since Black organizations were not able to cite  the precise number of people they registered for the money given to them, they were ineffective.  Enter the "Blackberry Army" as the tool of accountability in this election cycle. Armed with Palm Pilots and Blackberrys, paid canvassers cover a precinct, and are able to count the precise number of people registered.  But what if the funders gave money to various Black groups to cover the same states and cities? And what if they did not give Black organizations enough money to be effective? And what if they also fielded their own canvassers in some of the same locations? Right away, you can see that Black groups will not be able to claim that they registered as many as other groups if they don't have the financial resources and if they have to work in the chaos of competition with various other groups. [more ]

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