Mailer says: "Their real intention is to put the Wal-Mart on the
ballot so they can bring Jessie Jackson and Reverend Al Sharpton to
Rosemead to defeat the project.'
The latest of the four mailers to arrive in mailboxes
Thursday reads: "Have you been tricked The out of town anti-Wal*Mart
forces are paying petition circulators $5 per signature. To get those
signatures they have been lying about the purpose of the petitions.'
Putting Rosemead In a Desirable Environment is the group responsible
for the $2,000 worth of mailers. "The fact of the matter is they have
people who are not registered voters collecting signatures and we
believe that among those are paid people,' said Mike Lewis, a West
Covina-based consultant to Wal-Mart and organizer of PRIDE. The mailers
accuse petition gatherers of deceiving voters into signing a petition
in favor of the 24-acre Wal-Mart Supercenter development approved for
Walnut Grove Avenue and Rush Street in Rosemead. The latest mailer also
reads, "Their real intention is to put the Wal*Mart on the ballot so
they can bring Jessie Jackson and Reverend Al Sharpton to Rosemead to
defeat the project.' [more ]
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