Nevada Republicans Accused of Dumping Thousands of Democrat Vote Registrations
Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 06:53PM
Employees of a private voter registration company allege that
hundreds, perhaps thousands of voters who may think they are registered
will be rudely surprised on election day. The company claims hundreds
of registration forms were thrown in the trash. Anyone who has
recently registered or re-registered to vote outside a mall or grocery
store or even government building may be affected. The I-Team has
obtained information about an alleged widespread pattern of potential
registration fraud aimed at Democrats. The out-of-state firm , Voters
Outreach of America has been in Las Vegas for the past few
months, registering voters. It employed up to 300 part-time workers and
collected hundreds of registrations per day, but former employees of
the company say that Voters Outreach of America only wanted
Republican registrations. Two former workers say they personally
witnessed company supervisors rip up and trash registration forms
signed by Democrats. "We caught her taking Democrats out of my pile,
handed them to her assistant and he ripped them up right in front of
us. I grabbed some of them out of the garbage and she tells her
assisatnt to get those from me," said Eric Russell, former Voters
Outreach employee. [more ]
Voter registration fraud linked to GOP operation [more ]
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