House About to Strip More Civil Liberties in Name of Anti-terrorism
Thursday, October 7, 2004 at 02:23PM
Civil liberties and
immigrant rights advocates say House Republicans are using legislation
based on the 9/11 Commission's recommendations as cover to implement a
series of troubling, un-related reforms condoning torture, limiting
immigration and increasing surveillance of both non-citizens and
citizens. The House will vote on the 9/11 Recommendations
Implementation Act this week. Opponents say the Republican leadership
rushed the legislation to the floor without much time for debate or
public input, just as Congress prepares to recess for a pre-election
break. In addition to overhauling national security agencies, as
recommended by the 9/11 Commission, the legislation would also allow
the US government to deport immigrants to countries that allow torture,
severely restrict asylum seekers, and compile a massive database of
information on law-abiding citizens. The 9/11 Commission did not
recommend any of these reforms, some of which were found in the
Domestic Security Enhancement Act, commonly known as "Patriot II" --
legislation so alarming, public outcry kept it from coming to a vote. [more ]
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