CA. Youth Prisons to Stop Use of Extended Isolation
Thursday, August 5, 2004 at 12:16PM
"Barbaric confinement" Locked in cell 23 hours per day has been blamed in recent suicides.
Ending a practice dubbed inhumane by critics, the
director of the California Youth Authority said Wednesday that young
inmates who misbehave will no longer be isolated 23 hours a day in
barren segregation cells. Walter Allen III offered no details of how
prison officers will manage troublesome youths who are now sent to
special detention units and deprived of all privileges for an average
of 60 to 90 days. But after members of the Senate Rules Committee
called the practice of near-round-the-clock confinement in 6-by-8-foot
cells barbaric, Allen said that, "As of today ... it is over." "We are
going to change our way of doing business," Allen said. "We're going to
change the conditions of confinement." Allen's comments came as the
committee met to consider whether to confirm him as director of the
troubled CYA, which houses 4,300 inmates in 11 prisons and camps on an
annual budget of about $391 million. [more]
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