Western Powers Seek Sudan Disintegration - Oil and Water at stake
Tuesday, August 3, 2004 at 05:26AM
The Sudanese government has strongly rejected accusations of being
responsible for the humanitarian disaster in Western Darfur, and warned
of incalculable consequences if military action were to be taken. Sudan
had to be brought to submission for two reasons: one, oil; and second,
the water of the Nile. Until now, U.S. firms were excluded from the
lucrative oil deals available in Sudan. Total reserves are estimated at
2 billion barrels. The lead actors in Sudan's oil industry are the
China National Petroleum Corporation, Petronas from Malaysia, Talisman
Energy from Canada, Gulf Petroleum Corporation from Quatar, Ludin Oil
from Sweden and the French Total Fina Elf. On July 25, a new investment
package of $1.7 billion was signed for the exploration of new oilfields
in the South and the construction of a new pipeline to the Red Sea.
This time, British and Russian firms were also part of the deal. After
the implementation of the Kenya peace treaty, those lucrative oil deals
would also be open to U.S. firms. [more]
Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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