Police: No Evidence of a Hanging in Roy Veal Death
Tuesday, August 3, 2004 at 05:12AM
With inquiries pouring in from around the country,
federal, state and local law enforcement tried to shoot down rumors
Monday that a black man was lynched near his mother's Wilkinson County
home last spring. The body of Roy Veal, a Washington state resident,
was found hanging from a tree April 23. The county coroner has ruled
the 55-year-old man's death a suicide. Sheriff Reginald Jackson has
said that as an African American he would have a vested interest in
pursuing the people responsible for a lynching, but Jackson is
convinced Veal took his own life. He said there were no suspicious
injuries on Veal's body. [more]
Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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