Black Man Ready to Sue Over Treatment By Raleigh Police 
Tuesday, August 3, 2004 at 05:11AM

Mortgage Banker humiliated by cops
A Raleigh man claims that he recently was stopped at gunpoint by police, handcuffed and questioned and that police soon realized they had the wrong guy. Mortgage broker Patrick Riley said he and his cousin were driving to a fast-food restaurant Saturday to get lunch for his son when they were stopped by officers looking for two men from an earlier shooting. Police later arrested three Hispanic men in a burgundy Pontiac. Riley said the description of those men did not match his or his cousin's, or their car. "You have two black guys in a dark, burgundy RX-7 that looks kind of brown," Riley said. "How could you make a mistake like that, even with your eyes closed?" Riley said he feared for his life at the time of his arrest. "I ended up at the top of my subdivision, right at home, on my knees with handcuffs on, being humiliated while my clients and my neighbors walked by," he said, "and the only thing that ran through my mind was: 'I'm about to lose my life right here.'" Riley said he has hired an attorney. [more]
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