The fighting in Sudan's Darfur region, which is
being reported in the world press as 'ethnic cleansing' and a
'humanitarian crisis', reportedly stems from attempts to gain control
over the oil resources in the region, claim Arab sources. These
Arab sources find it interesting that such skirmishes occurred when a
peace agreement that would have brought an end to 21 years of
north-south conflict was about to be signed. The sources point out that
oil fields have recently been discovered in DarfurThe Sudanese
government claims that there is a serious humanitarian crisis in the
region. However, the Khartoum administration adds that some countries
and groups, primarily Western humanitarian aid foundations and media
institutions, are playing up the incidents in an attempt to make Sudan
appear unstable and in need of foreign intervention. [more]
Sudan: Where there is Oil, there is "Turm-Oil" [more]
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