Protesters Accuse Border Patrol Of Racial Profiling
Sunday, August 1, 2004 at 04:02AM
The U.S. Border Patrol faced some tough accusations
of racial profiling Saturday during a protest rally in
McAllen. More than 200 people rallied around the streets of Archer
Park, holding up signs saying that they want "rights not raids,"
referring to the recent bike patrols by the Border Patrol agents
through the downtown area. Several civil rights organizations took part
in the rally, including members of the United Farm Workers union who
helped organize the protest. The group claims that the Border Patrol is
targeting dark-skinned Hispanics in immigration sweeps in the area.
"(Border Patrol agents) do racial profiling," said Roman Garcia, one of
the protest organizers. "They see a white person walking around they
don't go and ask him, 'Hey, where are your papers?' Why? Because he's
white. But yet, there are white Mexicans too. But they don't want to
take the risk even though they're not from here either." [more]
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