With new doubts about the reliability and
accountability of electronic voting machines and daily revelations of
continuing chaos in the Florida elections process -- including a
Republican Party mailing questioning the ability to recount votes cast
by electronic voting machines -- People For the American Way
Foundation is calling for the immediate establishment of
voter-verifiable audit trails in Florida to ensure that every vote will
count, and can be recounted if necessary. "This is almost
surreal. One day the Secretary of State's office argues in court
that the voting machines are so reliable they shouldn't be used in a
recount. The next day, the Florida Republican Party is telling
voters that electronic voting machines cannot be trusted in a
recount. It's like a recurring nightmare," said Ralph G. Neas,
President of People For the American Way Foundation. "This is one
more example of disturbing cynicism and hypocrisy, and one more reason
to sound a red alert about Florida's readiness for this year's
elections." [more]