Republicans Blame Anybody But BUSH - 911 Report, Iraq
Wednesday, July 21, 2004 at 12:49PM

One day before the bipartisan 9/11
Commission is scheduled to release its final report, Bush
administration allies on Capitol Hill have put their partisan spin
machine into high-gear. Despite overwhelming evidence that President
Bush underfunded counter-terrorism[more] , ignored repeated memos [more] warning of an imminent attack by Osama bin Laden, and took one of the longest vacations in presidential history [more] while the pre-9/11 security threat boiled, Republicans are seeking to blame 9/11 on the Clinton administration [more]
even before the Commission's report has been published. Their current
target: former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, who in October
2003 acknowledged inadvertently losing two documents from the National
Archives. House Speaker Dennis Hastert , House Majority Leader Tom
DeLay and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist claimed Berger was trying
to deceive the 9/11 Commission. They failed to mention the Commission
refuted that charge [more],
and that even the Bush Justice Department admits the incident is so
innocuous, that CBS News reports "law enforcement sources say they
don't expect any criminal charges will be filed." {more] Via Center for American Progress.
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