Cover Up-- Reporter Claims Tape of LAPD Beating was Edited
Tuesday, July 20, 2004 at 11:55PM
Cover Up-- Reporter Claims Tape of LAPD Beating was Edited-- Unedited tape Shows More Police Blows
The complete and unedited nine-minute tape of the
June 23 pursuit and arrest of Stanley Miller by LAPD officers shows
that he took a beating from the cops -- after receiving the 11
flashlight blows. The world was shown only a one-minute portion of the
tape. No one except LAPD higher-ups has seen what happens after that.
KABC-TV news reporter Scott Reiff, in the Air 7 helicopter, continued
to tape the incident until Miller was placed into police car number
569. the complete tape, which vividly depicts the following: After
Miller is on the ground, subdued, kicked and hit 11 times by Hatfield,
most of the swarming cops get off him. But the prone, handcuffed man is
inexplicably jumped on again, like a loose football, by seven of the
eight officers present, and kicked again by another one. [more]
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