LAPD seek funds to use widespread Video Surveillance, Virtual Policing
Monday, July 19, 2004 at 07:48PM
Smile! It's LAPD camera
Touting a 45 percent drop in crime  at MacArthur Park with the aid of video cameras as "virtual  patrols," the LAPD is seeking funding to expand the program to  crime hot spots in the San Fernando Valley and other areas of the  city. Critics see the specter of Big Brother, but Los Angeles Police  Chief William Bratton said he is so impressed with results from  MacArthur Park that he believes the cameras are an essential  part of fighting crime in an era of dwindling budgets and  strained police personnel. "Basically, what you can do is virtual policing," said LAPD  Assistant Chief George Gascon,  "You can monitor a significant number of areas  without having to have an officer at each scene." [more]
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