Don't Make me YAWN. John Kerry Snoozing. Leaving Blacks Cold.
Monday, June 28, 2004 at 11:59PM
Don't Make me YAWN. John Kerry Snoozing. Leaving Blacks Cold.
For a large number of Blacks the choice is simple; vote for Kerry or don't vote at all. Many may choose the latter.
black voters are more opposed to President Bush than is almost
any other voting bloc, John Kerry's first move to secure their
enthusiastic support might have been simply to follow
Hippocrates' instruction: do no harm. But when he appeared before
the National Conference of Black Mayors in April, Kerry chose to
speak not about their concerns but about his plan to make the
U.S.'s chemical plants more secure -- leaving the audience
underwhelmed. [more] Pictured above: "BUSH Lite", John Kerry, underwhelming Black audiences everywhere. Conservative DLC strategies ignore the base.