Wachovia, PNC, Citizens Bank, Bank of America, and Mellon Bank Disclose past ties to slavery
Recent filings with the City Treasurer's office have revealed that five out of nine city depositories have ties to slavery.
On Wednesday, all city depositories submitted filings to the treasurer's office in response to an annual request for information by the City Council.
As part of the request, Wachovia, PNC, Citizens Bank, Bank of America, and Mellon, which is partly owned by Citizens, have all disclosed ties to slavery through predecessor institutions, according to Councilman W. Wilson Goode Jr.
Two of the city's depositories, Advanced and Commerce, did not disclose any ties as they were both formed after slavery with no predecessor institutions. United Bank was also formed after the time of slavery with no predecessor institutions. However, United and Republic First Bank did not respond regarding disclosure.
Brian Goerke, PNC spokesman, said the Pennsylvania-based bank has conducted research through a reputable independent company that found there was no evidence that any of PNC's predecessor institutions profited from slavery or owned slaves.
He added PNC would not publicly release its report and did not comment on whether PNC had absolutely had no connection with slavery, though Goode said the disclosure statement does indicate ties.
Each bank was required to submit the historical data on May 31 as part of a Council mandate that required city depositories provide the city with community reinvestment goals, fair lending strategic plans and slavery disclosure.