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From [HERE ] Two white St. Paul police officers will not be charged with felony assault after an arrest captured on video shows one of them kicking a Black man, a prosecutor said Thursday.
Olmsted County Attorney Mark Ostrem , a white man, said there was "insufficient proof" the officers used unreasonable force. A video of the August arrest posted by a citizen on YouTube shows Officer Jesse Zilge kicking Eric Hightower as Hightower lay on the ground. Zilge was then able to handcuff Hightower , Ostrem said in a news release.
The five-minute video starts (in broad daylight) with the beating already in progress, it shows a man, identified in a police report as Eric R. Hightower , 30, lying on his stomach on the sidewalk as an officer stands over him. Hightower yells that he didn't do anything and asks him why the officer has assaulted him. The officer is under no durress and almost appears casual in the scene - he appears to be in no present danger. At one point, Hightower starts to cough and the officer kicks him in his face or his neck. Several people, including children, who gathered at the scene yelled at the officer. [ MORE ]
The officer handcuffs the man and with the help of another officer, gets him up and appears to slam his head on the hood of a squad car. An army of other officers then arrive. The voice of the person recording the video says, "He done sprayed him, maced him, tased him." Apparently, the white prosecutor gave little weight to the black witnesses accounts - whatever white police outlaws say is true so why even bother having a trial -bw.