"They Met the Description" [All Niggers Guilty to Racists] - Portland Offers Settlement after Gang of White Portland Cops Attack Black Teen Walking Home 
Friday, December 2, 2016 at 05:27AM

[Nigger is what is being done to you] From [HERE] and [MORE] Portland City Council will consider paying the family of a Black teen a $90,000 settlement after a gang of white police officers used excessive force during an arrest two years ago.

Police were called to N Portland in September 2014 after neighbors reported nine African American men and women had threatened to shoot someone and were damaging property.

Portland Police said they found a group "matching the description", and when police tried to put handcuffs on the then-16-year-old boy Thai Gurule, he struggled with them. They said he choked an officer in the process. Two officers and a sergeant suffered minor injuries during the altercation, and the teen was also treated for injuries at the scene and sent to the hospital before being sent to a juvenile detention home, police said.

Mariah Lund, a witnesses, said she was with the group, and they were coming home from a party. She disagreed with what police said about the incident.

"I couldn't really hear what was going on at first and then all of a sudden we just start hearing yelling and then they pushed my friend's brother, Thai, onto the floor," she said.

Lund told KATU they weren't doing anything and were just walking home.

Gurule's charges were dropped last year, when a Multnomah County judge ruled the teen wasn't assaulting officers. A liar white cop's pollice report is posted [HERE]

Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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