The Psychopathic Racial Personality. By and large whites treat each other humanely but many function as psychopaths in their relations with non-whites. Psychopaths know the difference between right and wrong but 'simply ignore the concept of right and wrong. By ignoring this trait in White people (the lack of ethical and moral development) Blacks have made and are still making a tragic mistake in basing the worldwide Black liberation movement on moral suasion. It is pathological for Blacks to keep attempting to use moral suasion on a people who have no morality where race is the variable.' [MORE]
From [MORE] The Cleveland officers who shot a 12-year-old boy holding a toy gun then failed to give him first aid for nearly four minutes. The boy was finally administered first aid when a detective and FBI agent arrived at the scene.
But it was too late. The boy, Tamir Rice, died after being transported to the hospital.
According to newly surveillance video, Rice was shot by the officers within two seconds of their arrival at the scene. The part of the video showing what happened afterward not was not released to the public.
When white Cleveland cops arrived on the scene information from the radio run was not corroborated ("there is guy with a gun," "pointing the gun at people." [MORE] and [MORE]) . 1) No "guy" or grown man was present - only a 12 yr old child. 2) There were no people around - the child was alone. 3) No gun was visible - the toy gun was in the childs pants and out of site when police arrived. When the cops arrived no crime was being committed in their presence and no visible danger was present. As such, there was no legal basis to order him to stop or to pull out their loaded weapons and point them at him in the first place. When they arrive they see a Black kid, alone. Watch for yourself.
A department spokesman told a local ABC station he “was unsure of the policy related to how and when officers are required to provide medical assistance.” The officers’ conduct is “under investigation.”
The officers believed that the 12-year-old Rice was a “black male” who appeared “about 20.”
The family is outspoken in their belief that their son’s death was avoidable, had the police officers acted appropriately. The U.S. Justice Department has an ongoing investigation into the Cleveland Police “over allegations of excessive and unreasonable deadly force.”