Police brutality is a symptom of white supremacy/racism, which thus far, is non-stop and undefeated. "Black people are going to have to stop moaning, rocking, crying, complaining and begging. Black people are going to have to stop thinking that rhyme and rhetoric will solve problems. Black people are going to have to stop finger-popping and singing. Black people are going to have to stop dancing and clowning. Black people are going to have to stop laughing and and listening to loud radios. All of these behaviors, and many more, have absolutely nothing to do with addressing the challenges and conditions of the open warfare continuously being waged against the Black collective.
We Black people do not see the war being waged against us because we don't want to and because we are afraid. We are engaging in behavior designed specifically to block out any awareness of the war - our true reality. Our behavior thus forces us into the insanity of hoping and begging - as opposed to the sanity of analysis, specific behavioral pattern design and specific conduct in all areas of people activity: economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war." [MORE]
Above Video from [HERE]. Words from [HERE] Black people throughout the world, live under the power of the white supremacy system of total oppression and domination, implying the absence of any true power to determine ultimately what happens to their individual and collective lives. This is the major and only problem facing Black and all other non-white peoples throughout the world. This is precisely why they are called and classified as Black and non-white, to set them specifically in oppositional contrast to, and in conflict with, the genetic reality of white. But because this is a frightening and painful reality upon which to focus Black and other non-white attention, we as Blacks, particularly in the U.S., succumb to circular thought. Likewise, there is not only a failure to approach problem solution, but there is a stubborn refusal even to look directly at the problem. Ultimately, there is a disturbance in problem perception. Therefore, Black people in the U.S. reject the conscious recognition of the global white supremacy system, its absolute necessity of non-white oppression and its very specific implications of a continuing powerlessness and potential destruction - as opposed to a natural death - for Blacks and other designated non-whites. [MORE]