PG County Cop "Out and Out Lied" about Assault on Unarmed Black Man: Released Video Shows Officer Attacked 19 yr old from Behind
Monday, September 3, 2012 at 02:14AM

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Innocent Black Man Spent 4 Months in Jail. Police Reviewed Tape 2 Days after Incident and Did Nothing. Officer Still Free - Watch your Back PG/D.C. From [HERE] Fox 5 has obtained surveillance video of a February 3rd incident involving a Prince George's County police officer that seems to dispute his story about why his gun discharged.

A Cottage City 19-year-old spent nearly 4 months in jail after Corporal Donald Taylor claimed Ryan Dorm assaulted him and the gun went off as Taylor struggled with him. The surveillance video is from a business on Perry Street near Rhode Island Avenue in the Brentwood area. Attorney Jimmy Bell, who represents Dorm, says the video shows Taylor out-and-out "lied" when he wrote up a report supporting assault charges against his client.

Police claimed that Ryan assaulted an officer, ran and then reached for an officer's gun, causing the officer to fire. Ryan was charged with resisting arrest and assault. But now police admit a surveillance video shows that the officers involved lied about large portions of that story.

A police report said that Ryan Dorm swung at an officer and began to flee. The officer caught the man after a brief foot pursuit. The man then tried to reach for the officer's gun. Fearing that the man was trying to take his gun, the officer fired his gun at the man. The video shows that Cpl. Donald Taylor tackled him from behind, punched him in the back and then hit him in the head with his gun, which accidentally fired. [MORE

The incident started when Dorm and a friend say they went to the "Lowest Price" gas station convenience store late that night to buy snacks. Dorm says his friend was wearing a ski mask because it was cold, but two police officers thought he looked suspicious and were going to rob the store. Ryan says he wanted to avoid any trouble, so he left.. But he says Taylor and a second officer followed him. The video shows Dorm being approached from behind, then smacked in the head with a gun. The video shows the flash from the gun as Dorm was being struck.

Taylor has been indicted and faces a trial in November. Bell has filed a $10 million dollar civil lawsuit in the case.

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