Autopsy Shows that Phoenix Police Repeatedly Tasered, Peppered Sprayed Latino Man before Shooting him to Death 
Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 02:01AM

PHOENIX -- CBS 5 News and [MORE] obtained the complete autopsy report for Daniel Rodriguez, the man who was shot and killed by Officer Richard Chrisman during a domestic call.

Chrisman has been indicted for murder in the shooting of the unarmed Rodriguez in October. Court papers show Chrisman sprayed Rodriguez with pepper spray, repeatedly shocked him with a stun gun, shot his pit bull to death, then fatally shot him.

The autopsy showed the details of all the actions by Chrisman, plus a bruise to the temple:

"Rodriguez had a 0.5 X 0.6 centimeter faint, purple contusion on his left temple, 2-1/4 inches left of the anterior midline and 3 ¼ inches from the left external auditory Hemorrhage is in the subcutaneous scalp tissue."

Police reports described the scene when Chrisman first got in an argument with Rodriguez:

Rodriguez entered the living room and began telling the officers, specifically Chrisman, they had no right to be in the trailer and they needed a warrant or would need to leave.

A verbal exchange began and Chrisman placed the muzzle of his pistol against Rodriguez's temple, saying, "I don't need no warrant, (expletive)."

The autopsy report also confirms Rodriguez was high on meth when he died. A toxicology expert told CBS 5 News before he was killed, Rodriguez was "acutely intoxicated."

Chrisman, 36, pleaded not guilty to a second-degree murder charge in the on-duty shooting death.

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