Police Spray Chemical Agent in Black Teenager's Face
Friday, September 10, 2004 at 06:19PM

A Donora man has asked a state agency to investigate claims that a local police officer acted inappropriately during an incident involving three black teenagers on Aug. 16. Quinn Law, of 647 Fifth Street, said he has petitioned the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission to find out why Brett Massafra has not been suspended from duty for allegedly spraying a chemical agent in the face of a 17-year-old teen who was leaving a store at Fifth and Allen streets. According to Law, he and his daughter witnessed the incident in which two 16-year-old teens were waiting outside the store for their friend when they were asked by police to leave. He said the third teen appeared to have been cooperating with police, but was sprayed with a chemical agent outside the store and had to be treated at the scene by a medic. [more
Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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