Excessive Force: Hispanic family files federal lawsuit against Austin Police
Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 03:04PM
The Austin Police Department, the city of Austin and several police officers are the target of a federal lawsuit. The Villegas family said they were terrorized by police one night last October. They said they woke up when they heard gunshots and 20 minutes later, they said almost 15 Austin police officers showed up yelling and demanding the family come outside. Most of the family only spoke Spanish and could not understand the officers' English. The family said police aimed guns at them, handcuffed them and forced them to get on the ground. The Villegas family said police entered their home without a warrant looking for a gun. They also said no one ever reported gunshots coming from their home and police never found a gun.  [more]
Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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