MESSAGE to Brownsville Police: "How Many More Atrocities will be Allowed?"
Wednesday, June 16, 2004 at 05:37AM
by Patricia Fay Fournet.
 Kermith Sonnier, Jr. was stalked and shot by two white police officers in the state of Pennsylvania.

        Apparently it is "Open Season" on citizens as law enforcement officers are stalking people at gunpoint and then shooting them as though they are wild game.One must address the mindset of the individual who is capable of committing such distorted behavior.One must address the true intent of an agency that practices the violent shooting of unarmed people as standard operating procedure; referring to such acts as "clean," or "done according to policy".One must also address the detrimental effects that are caused by this agency and by a government that supports and protects its' continued operations of desecrating basic human rights.Redstone Township Officer H. Dennis Fields and Brownsville Borough Officer Autumn Fike forced an unarmed man, namely,  Kermith Sonnier, Jr., into a vehicular chase that led to a wooded area near Brownsville Pennsylvania, where they then shot him in the back and killed him. He was 37 years old and a native of Oberlin, Louisiana.
        Assistant District Attorney Nancy Vernon said she saw "no problem", with the incident.Had the incident involved a member of Ms. Vernon's family, her Mama, perhaps, I imagine her perception of the event would be quite different.I can tell you that I see a huge problem in the events that took place on May 5th when my cherished friend was brutally murdered by Dennis Fields and Autumn Fike. I see a huge problem in Nancy Vernon's position as Assistant District Attorney when she condones inhuman acts of murder. I see the need for a public outcry and insistence that these conditions change immediately. Had these issues been acted upon when State Trooper Samuel Nassan committed the cowardly act of  killing a 12-year-old child named Michael Ellerbe, shooting him in the back as he climbed over a fence, perhaps my dear and brilliant friend would not have been gunned down in cold blood?
        How many more atrocities shall be allowed?
        How may I, a Louisiana resident, incite the change that is so obviously needed? How does a person like Nancy Vernon, who is so desensitized to the plight of the human condition, land a position of authority, enabling her social deviance to wreak havoc upon townspeople?
        Why do psychological misfits such as Autumn Fike and Dennis Fields secure jobs in the field of criminal justice, where, along with other defective humans, they comprise a collective effort called law enforcement which has so obviously become the disease and not the cure. I challenge Ms. Vernon, Ms. Fike, and/or Mr. Fields, to submit a logical explanation that would justify the murder of my beloved friend Kermith Sonnier, Jr.! I challenge each citizen to become appropriately appalled by the ongoing and disgustingly sadistic, human rights violations committed in this country, against our own brothers and sisters, by law enforcement officers and sanctioned by governmental officials who openly display an abnormal and inhuman attitude of indecency and a sickening disregard for life!

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