From [HERE] Racism is a topic so hot you have to hold it with oven mitts.
The evil of piping-hot racism has been the curse of mankind seemingly forever.
It wraps around people like a wet towel and smothers their intelligence and literally colors their perception.
Racism creates foolish dissonance and discord. It populates us with a bunch of jammers who have no hope of ever morphing into a symphony orchestra tuned to the belief that all men are created equal.
All this molten hatred served in a cast-iron skillet is all so insane and such a colossal waste.
Humans think they are so smart.
Guess what?
Sometimes they are as dumb as a fire plug. Thicker than concrete.
Especially racist humans. Their myopic focus is only skin deep.
If you think about it, racism is totally absurd.
It is all based on skin pigmentation. Variations in human skin color are adaptive traits that correlate closely with geography and the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
Which is why people whose ancestors are from the tropics generally have darker skin.
People are people and skin color makes them no different from each other -- unless they see it as so.
All the racial hatred over generations comes down to negative attitudes toward people whose melanin levels differ from theirs.
In God's name, how stupid is that? And how tragic is that?