What a surprise – another extremely dubious, synthetic scandal that played out the familiar neocon script of ‘violent Muslims are attacking free speech’ has hit the American south.
Since the Ottawa shooting back in October of 2014, the Neocon-Zionist false flaggers who control most Western governments have executed a series of highly choreographed public relations stunts designed to re-enforce the contrived ‘war on terror’ narrative as well as submerge the public in fear, thereby ripening the masses for government power-grabs in the form of ‘anti-terrorism’ legislation.
According to media reports, on May 3 two assailants purportedly opened fire outside an anti-Muslim ‘cartoon contest’ event organized by Pamela Gellar, a radical Jewish activist who has made a career out of vilifying Muslims and inciting for more Zionist wars in the Middle East. Gellar’s event, held in Garland, Texas, challenged people to submit derogatory cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed in a similar vein to Charlie Hebdo’s rancid provocations. Gellar offered a $10,000 prize for the “best depiction of Muhammad.”
We are told that two American Muslims, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, showed up at the event with automatic assault rifles and managed to shoot and injure a police officer before being gunned down in front of the Curtis Cullwell Center. It is difficult to confirm if any of this actually happened.
Media are insinuating that the two men had tenuous links to ISIS, but these ‘links’ amount to nothing more than pro-ISIS Twitter accounts praising them.
What is for certain is that one of the alleged shooters, 30-year-old Elton Simpson, was on the FBI’s radar since 2007 and had even been convicted in 2011 for lying to Federal authorities about trying to join the al-Shabaab group in Somalia. Court records show that Simpson was in contact with an FBI informant named Daba Deng who was paid more than $100,000 by the notoriously corrupt agency to befriend Simpson. Strangely, Simpson was only given three months probation and released.
What are the odds that the FBI didn’t continue to keep tabs on Simpson after his arrest and conviction in 2011? What are the chances that Simpson and his alleged co-conspirator were able to purchase a stash of handguns and rifles that they supposedly used in the failed Garland attack without the Feds noticing? What is the likelihood that the FBI, in conjunction with the Zionist neocon clique led by Pamela Gellar, didn’t fabricate this whole scenario out of thin air as per the neocon ‘big lie’ technique? [MORE]