Already Struggling to Attract the Best & Brightest - Hampton University Dean Bans Cornrows and Dreads 
Sunday, August 26, 2012 at 04:48AM

This is well beyond the generation gap, it's just flat-out sad. Sid Credle, the Dean of Hampton University's Business School, has banned MBA students from wearing cornrows or dreadlocks. If Credle has an issue with students choosing to wear their hair however they like at the Virginia historically black college, that's fine, but his opinion shouldn't be forced upon students. Especially when it's articulated like this:

Dean Credle disagrees and says when people criticize the ban for denying cultural aspects of style, he believes cornrows and dreadlocks have not been a historically professional look.

"I said when was it that cornrows and dreadlocks were a part of African American history?"

Credle added, "I mean Charles Drew didn't wear, Muhammad Ali didn't wear it. Martin Luther King didn't wear it."

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