RNC Custodial Crew Paid Below Minimum Wage
Friday, August 31, 2012 at 11:04PM


The janitors working around the clock at the Republican National Convention ended up going home making less than Florida's hourly minimum wage. Huffington Post's Jason Cherkis talked to a few workers at the convention and has more details:

Carolyn Walker said she has been cleaning the convention center for 13 years. She had been making $8 per hour until a few years ago, when the cleaning contract went to another company, Cleanevent USA. The new company meant a new, downsized paycheck. She's now making minimum wage -- $7.67 per hour. But that wasn't the only hit to her wallet.

Walker said the company charges her $6 per week for uniforms. "It stinks to tell you the truth," she said. "We work very hard." It effectively means she's making less than Florida's minimum wage.

Larry Gilmore, 32, and Jean Baptiste, 27, recounted similar hits to their paychecks by Cleanevent. Baptiste said he's charged $11 per week for uniforms -- a thin blue short-sleeve shirt and dark pants.

Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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