From "FUNKTIONARY, THE KEY HOLDERS ENPSYCHLOPEDIA" Copyright 2016 Chocolate City Press. Resonated & Orchestrated by Dr. Blynd, Ph.F.
meditation - the mind-freeing (emptying) itself from the known, i.e., creating "no-mindedness." 2) the total dissolution of everything that the mind, thought, and time has accumulated. 3) conformation and confirmation of unification (oneness) of creation. 4) the music without sound-images. 5) deliberate daily exercise in discriminating between true and the false and the renunciation of the false. 6) a prescription for devotion. 7) freedom from the constraints of time (tick-tock) by creating the divine vastness (solitude) of inner space. 8) the summation of all energy. 9) a movement in stillness and a stillness among movement. 10) anti-dream efforts/techniques. 11) dream-negating activities/devices. 12) the path of how to drop the senses. Meditation is like the breeze that comes in when you inadvertently leave your window open, and just like love—it cannot be pursued—one must simply be meditative.) 13) the path of how to drop the senses. 14) participation in the celebration of existence. 15) soul medication. 16) contemplation squared. 17) effortless awareness; developing the ability to flow in all directions simultaneously. 18) opening up all doors of one's being. 19) a state where you allow yourself to feel the pull of existence and trust the tug is real. 20) to be with yourself in your absolute aloneness in order that you may have a taste of your true Beingness. 21) an inward contemplation of divine realities through focusing on an object outside. 22) action detached from the future and the past. 23) the bliss of being alone; the art of being alone; solitary refinement—a return to the Self. Stop 'trying' to meditate. Meditation is what happens when you do nothing. Like water eroding stone, idle contemplation erodes tension. Meditation is not a trick of thought—it is the dissociation of thought and of its by-products. It is the seeing of the futility of thought and the ways of the intellect. The objective of true meditation is to annihilate all mind-stuff and meditate upon pure mind. Meditativeness is effortlessly observing the activity of the mind; not the mind-stuff appearing in it or throughout it. Meditation is looking at life without verbalization. Names create duality—within and without, God and creation, matter and mind. There should be no verbal formulations within meditation. Drop the language and the Template of Oneness arises within and appears of its own accord—the observer has become the observed, the observed has become the observer. Where "I" and "thou" become indistinguishable—God enters you, cognized as the God-Self-Divine. Read Mathew 4:16. The people whom sat in darkness saw great light. And to them that sat in the region of the shadow of death (lower flesh / carnal mind) light is sprung up. Unless we meditate, practicing the Single Eye as "Jesus" admonished, we remain chained to a dark wall, as was the case in the •"Allegory of the Cave" attributed to Plato. The experience of God happens within you in the upper world. Your subterranean world is your lower mind (dark dragon). When you visit the Upper Room by entering within yourself you will experience the Kingdom of God and come to know the mystery of yourself. Meditation is living your life from the very center (essence) of your being; an arising and flowering out of authenticity. It is a state of utter receptivity to your own inner divine selfhood or God-Self-Divine. Living attentively in this natural state (aware, yet unmindfully so) while creatively expressing its Presence is living the Neuralife. When your life becomes meditation and you are living the Neuralife, the message that arises from the utmost depth of consciousness is reality-based (subjective) truth realized in you. Luxuriating in the Neuralife quickens the transformation of consciousness (through the recognition of the limitations and illusions of truth-based reality) and accelerates the evolution of consciousness. Meditation is not concentration (focused thought)—it doesn't exclude anything, it includes all. Meditation presupposes the deliberate action of the ego as the meditator, practicing meditation. Meditation is futile if one does by doing—meditativeness is anontological—the quality of non-Being, not the state of being, nor the action of doing—which is useless. When you go up to the mountain (metaphor for meditation) you are raising your consciousness and that is where you make active the single eye or Pineal. Meditation is not something we do (if we do it), it is something that happens when we drop our judgments, ideations, notions, desires, intentions (good or bad), and our attempts to manipulate and/or control. It is a condition of openness from which we are able to pierce into the onion core of reality where infinity is revealed—not the seed of "truth." Meditation happens when we observe without choice and without any wish to change (or think we have volitional power or control to change) what we observe. Meditation is something that happens spontaneously when you're not doing anything, when you're in an absolute state of non-doing. The question is not how to meditate, but what meditation is. No Technique is meditation. Meditation is meeting each moment of life utterly afresh—totally anew. If we overstand this simple subtle insight, then the "how" becomes meaningless. The priests and preachers of organized religion instruct and admonish against you practicing meditation because they are trying to keep you out of God's temple. Religious people come against meditation; they refute the need to go within and find the God-Self because they want you to have to come to them. Sincere Christians please read carefully Matthew 23:13; 15:14, Mark 4:11, and Luke 17:21. In Genesis of the Bible, a garden Eastward in Eden (right hemisphere of one's brain) is where you turn your attention. Focus your watch to the East. In meditation the Eastern Gate is always opened. The right hemisphere of your brain is the dwelling place of God—the Father. As it says in the Book of Ezekiel. 'East, the point on the right side as we look north." -Ezekiel 43:2. "And behold, the glory of Israel came from the way of the East." IS-RA-EL. And who is Israel? IS=ISIS=Spirit. RA=Mind. El=God. Together it means Spirit and Mind aligned in harmony with God as one's realized inner divinity or Christ Consciousness. Those who attempt to keep you from entering your temple through meditation are hypocrites, and in fact, are the Anti-Christ. Reality only exists eternally in the moment, and meditation is the awareness of that moment. Most fundamentally, true meditation is to effortlessly turn the mind toward that energy which energizes the mind. "Closing your eyes and sitting in meditation isn't useful if you become useless as soon as you open your eyes." -Swami Satchitananda. "Meditation can give you that which nothing else can give you; it introduces you to yourself." -Swami Rama. In the book of Daniel (12:11) meditation is referred to as the daily sacrifice. Meditation is solitary refinement—a return to the Unified Field—through the right side of the brain—the True Self. Meditation is participating in "Single-Eye" service—Self-service. It is also called "Shut-Eye" Service at Bedside Baptist. "Turn into me and I will turn into you." -Zachariah 1:33. Meditation is something you have to do. You must enter yourself in meditation. See Isaiah 30:21. The activity takes place within you but you are not involved at all. The activity does not involve you and there is no experience to have. You are simply to become a womb of which the child of promise (Christ Consciousness) is born and not to be the source of the intercourse between the sun (solar plexus) and the cosmic energy. Stand aside and let the intercourse take place within you and let that which is there be bom out of you—save you—SaviorSelf—the Christ Consciousness—the child of promise. The source of this power is love. That is the beauty of love; that is the beauty of life. The power is within you. The opportunity is yours. Be still and move within. This is practicing the Single Eye—the very thing that "Jesus" admonishes us all to do. Like water eroding stone, idle contemplation erodes tensions. Through meditation (working the vineyard) thine eye will become single and your body will fill with Light. Meditation is being the presence of awareness. It is not an activity of the mind. To be awareness is not something to be done by the mind. To know ourselves as (being) awareness does not depend on what the mind is doing or not doing. Meditation is "to be" knowingly the presence of awareness. The highest meditation is to be as you are. True meditation is truly easier than breathing. You are awareness, and to meditate is to be that knowingly. Realize that you are that through which thoughts are flowing totally unconcerned with where they're going. Meditation will reveal to you the mystery of yourself. (See: Pineal Gland, Twelve Tribes, SaviorSelf, Kingdom of God, Tree of Life, Tradition, Garden of Eden, Light, Neuralife, MASTER, Yoga, Vidya, Unworldliness, Single Eye, Meditativeness, Third Eye, Consciousness, Self-Consciousness, Mind-Inversion, Divided Attention, Awareness, Concentration, Alert, Watching, Witnessing, Dreaming, Turiya, Magick, Solitude, Vedanta, Avidya, Realization, Growth, Spiritual Unfoldment, Effort, Intellect, Mediator, The Buddha Christ, Bedside Baptist, Contemplation, Illumination, Practice, Special ED, Dumbelievers, False Perceiving, True Perceiving, Pessimism, Fornix, Negativity, Mindfulness, Buddha-Christ, True Question, Unanswering, Vine, Upanishads, Fornix, Unified Field, Kingdom of Heaven, Delta Fornax, Christ Consciousness, Introception, Buddha-Nature, Vineyard, The Senses, "One Taste" & Mind Grenade)
meditative - a mode of beyond the dichotomy of either Being or non-Be-ing, emptying to further unfold and vertically align Self as Pure Consciousness such that it Itself will reveal Itself as the Atman. 2) existential openness. What generally passes for meditation in most traditions is horizontal; one has to be meditative—vertical, deep within non-Beingness, the substrate out of which Beingness (or the thought thereof) arises, that is, of course, if the ripened fruits of meditation are to be harvested and tasted. When we go into meditation, we are sacrificing the animal (our lower or animal nature) on the altar (altering our consciousness). Meditate and separate from the thoughts of the left side of the brain. Meditate only on who is the meditator, only on who is meditated on. (See: Psylence, Third Eye, Pineal, Upper Room, Kingdown of Heaven, Silence & Quietude)
meditativeness - abiding without conceptualizations as the non-dual Consciousness. 2) a state of being through which True Self enters the domain where harmony reigns. 3) the state of consciousness that reveals itself when we take no position in relationship to thought. In meditativeness there is only the realization of the identity as the pure non-dual Consciousness. It is the shift in frame of consciousness from the limited, fragmented human (distorted vantage point of the personal ego) to the timeless, unbounded, transcendental vantage point (God-Self-Divine). (See: True Self, True Perceiving, Thoughtforms, Divine Consciousness, Samadhi, Advaita, Contemplation, Nonduality, God-Self-Divine, Jew, Self-Realization & Reversion)
meditator - one who knows how to transform solitariness into solitude and loneliness into aloneness without seek-searching. As long as a meditator does not start meditating, and remains in a meditative state, there is withinwards emptying. By doing, you cannot attain, because whatsoever you do will move outwards. Meditation is not to be done—one has to be meditative. Meditation is not a road but a means of perceiving our true selves beyond the cloak of ego—a remembering of what we already are. When you are meditative, it is part of the vertical, i.e., Being. As a meditator, once you realize there is nowhere to go, nothing to attain and nothing to obtain (as in enlightenment, holiness, or some spiritually esteemed state or condition etc.), the seeking will cease on its own accord, and lo and behold, awareness of the resplendent True Self, will be present and cognizable. (See: True Self, Meditation, Prayer, Vertical, Beingness, Oneness, Compassion, Grace, Openness & The Godspell)