Who Gets HIV and How? Black People's Infection Rates 8 times Higher than Whites
Saturday, September 20, 2014 at 08:23PM

From [HealthLine] An estimated 1,155,792 Americans have HIV. About 180,900 people aged 13 and older don’t know they have it. An estimated 49,273 Americans were newly diagnosed with HIV in 2011, but only 32,052 developed AIDS. This is in striking contrast to the early days of HIV/AIDS. [MORE]

Still believe that HIV-1 and HIV-2 originated in non-human primates in West-central Africa and then was transferred to humans (a process known as zoonosis) in the early 20th century? Or that HIV/AIDS is something that just spontaneously occurred in nature?[MORE] and [MORE] and [MORE]

Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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