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Racist Suspect Watch

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Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism

Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?

Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)

What is the First Step in Counter Racism?

Genocide: a system of white survival

The Creation of the Negro

The Mysteries of Melanin

'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'

Fear of annihilation drives white racism

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian

Where are all the Black Jurors? 

The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism

Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom

White Domination, Black Criminality

Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%

Race is Not Real but Racism is

The True Size of Africa

What is a Nigger? 

MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers." 

A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural

"TV is reversing the evolution of the human brain." Propaganda: How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.

Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King

"Zapsters" - Keeping what real? "Non-white People are Actors. The Most Unrealistic People on the Planet"

Black Power in a White Supremacy System

Neely Fuller Jr.: "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you"

The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

'In order for this system to work, We have to feel most free and independent when we are most enslaved, in fact we have to take our enslavement as the ultimate sign of freedom'

Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?

Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did

Malcolm X: "We Have a Common Enemy"


Deeper than Atlantis

The Myth of Authority - Governments Should Be Afraid of The People


Flint’s lead-poisoned water [by the government] had a ‘horrifyingly large’ effect on fetal deaths, study finds

From [HERE] The fertility rate in Flint, Mich., dropped precipitously after the city decided to switch to lead-poisoned Flint River water in 2014, according to a new working paper.

That decline was primarily driven by what the authors call a “culling of the least healthy fetuses” resulting in a “horrifyingly large” increase in fetal deaths and miscarriages. The paper estimates that among the  babies conceived from November 2013 through March 2015, “between 198 and 276 more children would have been born had Flint not enacted the switch in water,” write health economists Daniel Grossman of West Virginia University and David Slusky of Kansas University.

In April 2014, Flint decided to draw its public water supply from the Flint River, a temporary measure intended to save costs while the city worked on a permanent pipeline project to Lake Huron. Residents immediately began complaining about the odor and appearance of the water, but well into 2015 the city was still assuring residents that the water was safe to drink.

Subsequent testing by Flint authorities and outside agencies turned up lead levels that in some cases were dozens or hundreds times higher than the Environmental Protection Agency's safety threshold. A September 2015 study showed that the proportion of Flint children with high lead levels in their blood had roughly doubled after the water change. The city finally switched back to Lake Huron water in October  2015.

The harmful effects of lead exposure on children's health are well-documented. They include cognitive deficiencies, increased antisocial behavior, lower educational attainment, and a host of problems affecting the brain, kidneys and liver.

Less well-known are lead's effects on fetal health. Literature reviewed by Grossman and Slusky shows that maternal lead exposure is linked to “fetal death, prenatal growth abnormalities, reduced gestational period, and reduced birth weight.” A 2013 study, for instance, found an increase in fetal deaths and a reduction of births in Washington, D.C., from 2000 to 2003, when lead levels were elevated in the city's drinking water.

Grossman and Slusky wanted to know if something similar happened in Flint after lead-poisoned water was introduced in 2014. They compared birth and fetal death rates in Flint with those in other Michigan cities, including Lansing, Grand Rapids, Dearborn and Detroit.

“These areas provide a natural control group for Flint in that they are economically similar areas and, with the exception of the change in water supply, followed similar trends in fertility and birth outcomes over this time period,” the authors say.

What they found, as displayed in the graph below, was “a substantial decrease in fertility rates in Flint for births conceived around October 2013, which persisted through the end of 2015. Flint switched its water source in April 2014, meaning these births would have been exposed to this new water for a substantial period in utero (i.e., at least one trimester).”


Preliminary Examination of Racist Suspect Gov Official charged with Manslaughter in Flint Water Crisis Underway

The first of several high stakes criminal cases in the Flint Water Crisis goes to court Thursday. Nick Lyon, the Director of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is charged with Misconduct in Office and Involuntary Manslaughter. They are working to find out if Lyon failed to warn the public about the outbreak of Legionnaires' disease as it was spreading and people were dying. The water switch in April of 2014 created the Flint Water Crisis. The move off the Detroit water system to the Flint River was done during a state takeover to save millions. People in Flint could soon see, taste and smell the awful change. But they had no idea how serious it would get.

From [HERE] A former employee at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services testified yesterday that she discussed the outbreak of Legionnaires' disease in the Flint area with the head of the agency and assumed the information would go to Gov. Rick Snyder's office.

Corinne Miller, the former director of the Bureau of Disease Control, Prevention and Epidemiology, said the 30-minute meeting with Nick Lyon took place in January 2015.

“I felt relieved," Miller said of making Lyon aware of the outbreak.

Her testimony came during the second day of a preliminary examination for Lyon, the highest-ranking government official charged criminally in the Flint water crisis.

His hearing, which started Thursday in Flint and will likely span several more days before 67th District Judge David Goggins, will determine if there is enough evidence for the case to proceed to trial. [dont hold your breath in racist system.]


Showcase SNigger Stephen A Smith says Based on His Expertise CTE Could Not Cause Murder [Only Suicide] 

Expert at being a Showcase SNigger, shadowboxing other non-whites in service of his white masters. 


Protests Against System that Rewards White Cops Who Murder Blacks & Latinos Ongoing in St Louis

Hoax Democracy. In the System of Racism/White Supremacy YOU can be legally executed by a white cop at anytime, in any place and in front of witnesses and/or cameras. In said system you are simultaneously both a slave and an enemy of the corporate state. 


Racist Suspect Arrested in Connection with Murder of 2 Black Men Ambushed in Baton Rouge Over their Skin Color

From [HERE] Racial motives were probably involved in the shooting deaths of two black men in Baton Rouge, La., last week, the police said Sunday. In each case, a gunman fired from a car, then walked up and fired more shots at the victims as they lay on the ground.

A 23-year-old white man, Kenneth Gleason, is in custody in connection with the case, but is being held on drug charges, Sgt. L’Jean McKneely of the Baton Rouge police said, because investigators had not yet gathered enough evidence to charge him with murder.

Sergeant McKneely said the two victims had been “ambushed,” and that “there is a strong possibility that it could be racially motivated.”

In both shootings, the gunman fired from his car then walked up to the victims as they were lying on the ground and fired again multiple times.

The suspect, Kenneth Gleason, was arrested after detectives say they found illegal drugs while searching his home, CBS affiliate WAFB-TV reports.

Neither victim was known to have had any relationship with Mr. Gleason. But Sergeant McKneely said a car Mr. Gleason owned fit the description of the vehicle used in each killing, and that shell casings were found that linked the two killings.

The shootings happened two days and about five miles apart. Bruce Cofield, a 59-year-old homeless man, was killed Tuesday night, the sergeant said. Donald Smart, 49, was shot Thursday night while he was walking to his job as a dishwasher at a cafe popular with Louisiana State University students.

McKneely said shell casings from the shootings linked the two slayings and a car belonging to Gleason fit the description of the vehicle police were looking for. He said police collected other circumstantial evidence but he wouldn't say what it was.

Detectives searched the suspect’s home on Saturday and found nine grams of marijuana and vials of human growth hormone at his house, according to a police document. The document said that after Mr. Gleason was read his Miranda rights, he claimed ownership of the drugs.

The city’s population is about 55 percent black and 40 percent white.


Going to Where You Are Unwanted to Provoke Violence is Not "Non-Violent" Activity [Bannon to Visit Berkeley CA] 

html5 video converter by v3.9.1

Turn His Other Cheek & Hit Him Harder. From [HEREThe University of California, Berkeley, has erupted this year in response to planned speeches by conservative flamethrowers like Milo Yiannopoulos and Ann Coulter. On Tuesday, another figure was added to the mix: Stephen K. Bannon, the racist right-wing media executive and former chief strategist to President Trump.

Mr. Bannon has agreed to speak this month as part of "Free Speech" Week, a four-day event organized by The Berkeley Patriot, a conservative student publication. Mr. Yiannopoulos is also scheduled to appear. [MORE]

This racist neuropean clown is going there to start some shit and then play the victim role. This is their new playbook. Provoking and encouraging others to be violent against you is called sado-masochism. It is not non-violence. 

Above sado-masochist protestor Joey Gibson, second from left with the football pads on, came to Berkley to provoke people during a free-[hate/violent] speech rally and it worked. He was chased by anti-fascists (Antifa) on 8/27/17. Boo fucking hoo. Antifa would be "wrong" if they went to Gibson's little country town to find trouble. [MORE]  

Non-violence just for the sake of it, is just stupid ideology taken out of its proper historical context. Osho Rajineesh explained that non-violence should simply be a consequence of having a reverence for life. "Non-violence simply says don't kill others. Do you think that is enough? It is only a negative statement: don't kill others, don't harm others. Is that enough?" He said, 

"I will say respect life, yours included.

In fact, you are first to be respectful towards yourself, then only can you be respectful towards anybody else.

Be loving towards yourself, then you will be able to love others too.

Reverence for life will not allow any provocation to violence. It will not start violence, but if anybody starts it, it will stop it immediately.

Jesus says, "If somebody hits you on one of your cheeks, turn the other cheek." I say, "Okay, turn his other cheek - and hit him harder. Give him a lesson! Make it clear to him that it is not so easy to hit somebody on the cheek- that it comes back, and comes back harder.

And if you are capable, hit both his cheeks at the same time. Why give him the chance to turn the other cheek and become a saint? Hit him and tell him simultaneously,'! do not believe in violence, hence I have to stop it at the first chance. And remember that you cannot just be violent without being prevented.'" [MORE]


KRS-One Discusses the 5th dimension [your consciousness] 


Poll Finds Whites Fear Being Replaced: Many are Against "Race" Mixing & For Protecting White Heritage

From [HERE] A new poll has revealed the troubling racial attitudes that continue to pervade American life, including opposition to interracial marriage and the importance of protecting “White European heritage.”

The study, by Reuters/Ipso and the University of Virginia, was carried out in the wake of the attack in Charlottesville. It showed that there was only limited outright support for far-right ideology, with 6 percent of respondents saying they strongly or somewhat supported the “alt-right”, and 8 percent expressing support for white nationalism.

However, three out of ten respondents were against mixed-race marriage and failed to express tolerance towards the idea. When asked whether “marriage should only be allowed between two people of the same race,” 16 percent of respondents agreed and 14 percent neither agreed nor disagreed. This 30 percent would equal roughly 75 million adult Americans.

When asked whether “America must protect and preserve its White European heritage”, 31 percent of participants agreed, while 39 percent agreed with the statement that “White people are currently under attack in this country.” Political correctness was also found in the survey to be extremely unpopular. A majority of participants — 59 percent — agreed with the statement that it “threatens our liberty as Americans to speak our minds.”

The poll also found that 57 percent of participants said that Confederate monuments should remain where they are. Over half of all African Americans surveyed said the monuments should be removed, but two-thirds of whites said they should remain in place.

Fear of Numerical Inadequacy Fuels Racism. The fear of interracial romance, and more specifically of black men having relationships with white women, has been a continued racial theme throughout the history of the United States. In the late 19th century, lynchings in the South were often justified as a way to defend the honor of white women. Fourteen-year-old Emmett Till [in casket in photo below] was savagely beaten to death for allegedly flirting with a white girl. Carolyn Donham later admitted that she lied about Till making physical and verbal threats to her. [MORE]

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing explained that "Black people everywhere must begin to understand why the Black collective, and Black males in particular, have been under intensive attack for the past 2,000 years. Indeed, Jesus was a Black male who was lynched by uniformed white male Roman soldiers 2,000 years ago, as a result of the same war that has continued into the present day extension of the same Roman (white) empire."

It is scientific fact that Black is a genetically dominant trait. Whenever Black mixes with White, which is a recessive genetic trait, Black will dominate. In general, this means persons with white skin cannot reproduce a white child when they have sexual relations with non-whites. So, the white "race" can be replaced or "genetically annihilated" through such assimilation or social intermingling with non-whites; as articulated Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, most white people consciously or subconsciously understand the following;

  • White plus Black equals Colored.
  • White plus Brown equals Colored.
  • White plus Yellow equals Colored.

Persons who classify themselves as Whites make up less than 10% of the world's population and their numbers are shrinking fast, while non-white populations are surging. That is, 90% of the world population of 7 billion people are non-white. In fact, according to the Census Bureau, whites remain the only segment of the U.S. population where deaths outpace births

So inter-mixing scares racists to death. That is what "you will not replace us" is about. Among other things, the "fear of replacement" fuels the system of white supremacy/racism and causes racists to act genocidally towards non-whites in a perceived "survival game" they are engaged in with us - in all areas of people activity.

Remember, white people "believe" they are another "race" and "other" to non-whites [the only purpose of race is to practice racism]. 

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing described this as white people's fear of "numerical inadequacy." [MORE]. Her color confrontation theory explained that the more the white population shrinks or experiences anxiety the worse its conduct toward non-whites will get. 

According to Welsing, racism is a system of white behavior and survival. In other words: what the White Collective is doing on the planet is engaging in racist behaviors—in economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and more—in order for them to survive. [MORE] and [MORE].

Welsing says this fear of replacement or intermingling logically justifies the murder of Blacks, particularly Black males. "Within the historic framework of Western civilization and culture (the civilization and culture organized to prevent white genetic annihilation), all white peoples have the spoken or unspoken mandate to participate actively in their collective struggle for global white genetic survival. This specifically means, of necessity, the murder and slaughter of Black and other non-white males whenever it is felt within the white collective to be necessary and, therefore, justified. [MORE] She states, 'A major strategy in the war against the Black collective is the killing of Black males. Black males are being killed daily, in ever-increasing numbers, across the country by whites. Other non-white males also are being killed in ever-increasing numbers.' [MORE

Indeed, a new report from criminal justice nonprofit The Marshall Project found that when a white person kills a black man, the killer is eight times more likely to face no legal consequences (compared to homicides involving other combinations of "races"). Killings of Black men by whites are far more likely to be ruled "justifiable," compared to other "races." In 1 in 6 of these killings, there is no criminal sanction, according to an examination of 400,000 homicides committed by civilians between 1980 and 2014. That rate is far higher than the one for homicides involving other combinations of "races." The disparity remains no matter the circumstances and has persisted for decades. [MORE]

'The racist white collective cannot be asked to cease their drive for justifiable homicide in its gross and subtle forms. To do so would mean white suicide' or to act against their own interests. [MORE] Racists believe the only way they can survive or not be replaced is by dominating non-white persons. As the world's true minority, the only way whites could rule the world was by implementing a genocidal global program of deception, destruction, and domination - aka a war for genetic survival against non-whites. To them, a failure to create such a system would lead to the disappearance of the "white race." As stated by Welsing, "if white people had not created such a global system in which they established power over the world's non-white majority, the white collective would have been genetically extinct a long time ago." [MORE] and [MORE]

Naturally, some white persons may be proud to be white and embrace their heritage without directly or indirectly participating in the system of white supremacy. However, most dwell in a deluded comparative state with non-whites where an imaginary hierarchy of beings exists in their minds. Most white people hate black people because whites are not Black people. "If you know this about white people, you need know little else. If you do not know this about white people, virtually all else that you know about them will only confuse you." Welsing attempted to explain this hate. In this system all whites are racist suspects. Racist suspect - any white person who is capable of practicing racism against non-whites. In general if a Caucasian is able to be a Racist (White Supremacist), he or she may be one and should be presumed to be racist. According to Neely Fuller as long as white supremacy exists every person classified as 'white' should be suspected of being Racist. Since all whites are able to practice racism in a white supremacy system if they choose to do so, it is correct (and logical) to use the term "racist suspects" to identify whites who do not openly function as white supremacists (racists). Caucasians who do nothing to oppose white supremacy are its silent partners benefiting from this worldwide social political economic arrangement of domination. Those who do nothing about it or cooperate with it are also racist/white supremacist. [MORE"Civilized whites interested in living in a system of justice would also act to destroy this racist system.   

Welsing states "Because Blacks and other non-white people have failed to understand racism as white genetic survival, they erroneously have believed that they could be integrated into the white supremacy system. Blacks and other non-whites have failed to understand that if white people were to do this, it would mean active white participation in white genocide. Non-white people must master this perception of racism as a war for white genetic survival, a system into which non-white people never can be integrated." [MORE


Jeff Sessions Dismantles Obama's "Community Police" Reforms to Make It Easier for Cops to Kill Blacks & Latinos

From [HERE] Attorney General Jeff Sessions just got his wish to rollback agreements made between the Department of Justice civil rights division and local police departments to combat excessive police force under former President Barack Obama. The Department of Justice announced Friday it would immediately enact “significant changes” to an Office of Community Oriented Policing Services initiative to better support local law enforcement, the department said in a press release.

The DOJ announcement did not detail exactly what those changes would be – and did not immediately respond to Newsweek’s request for clarification – but stated the alterations would “better align” with the principles Sessions laid out in a memo in March.

In that memo, the former Alabama senator called for a review of all the department’s activities, which included “collaborative investigations and prosecutions, grant making, technical assistance and training,” among others while stating it was not up to the federal government to “manage” local law enforcement.

Sessions did state the preservation of civil rights was key to his department’s work, but that the “misdeeds of individual bad actors” should not reflect on the overall work of local law enforcement.

Since 1995, the COPS office has spent more than $14 billion to aide local departments and some of its programs have included grants meant to improve relations between police and minorities. The collaborative reform initiative has provided such technical assistance to cities like Las Vegas, Memphis, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and many others.

“Today’s announcement from Attorney General Jeff Sessions to end a program that provides resources to improve police-community relations as we know it is truly appalling,” ACLU legislative counsel ACLU, Kanya Bennett, said in a statement. “This program was a voluntary and collaborative partnership between the Department of Justice, law enforcement, and local officials that provided police departments with the tools needed to advance practices against excessive force or biased policing. ”

The changes came the same day a former St. Louis police officer, Jason Shockley, was acquitted by a judge of first-degree murder charges for the December 2011 killing of Anthony Lamar Smith after a high-speed chase.

The verdict led to protests around the courthouse and St. Louis Friday. Prosecutors originally believed they had enough to convict Stockley, who’s DNA – not Smith’s – was discovered on a gun found in Smith’s car.


Yes or No, Can the NSA Spy on Americans? Trump Administration Says the Answer is Classified

From [HERE] Senator Ron Wyden, as a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, spent half a decade trying to get President Obama's Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, to answer some fairly straightforward questions about NSA surveillance on Americans. As you may recall, this got so bad that Clapper flat out lied to Wyden in an open Senate hearing, which inspired Ed Snowden to leak documents to Glenn Greenwald. With the Trump administration, Dan Coats took over Clapper's job... and Clapper's role of obfuscating in response to important questions from Wyden concerning NSA surveillance. Despite promises to the contrary, Coats (like Clapper before him) has refused to share just how many Americans have their information sucked up under Section 702. Since that program is up for renewal later this year, that kind of information seems quite relevant to the debate.

However, as we noted back in June, Wyden has also been asking a different, and much more specific question of Coats. At a hearing in June, Wyden asked:

Can the government use FISA Act Section 702 to collect communications it knows are entirely domestic?

This seems like a kind of important question. 702 on its face, says that it can't be used to target domestic communications. Literally, the law says this: "An acquisition authorized under [this statute]... may not intentionally acquire any communication as to which the sender and all intended recipients are known at the time of the acquisition to be located in the United States."

But, as we've learned, when Senator Wyden asks an "is this happening?" question -- the answer is always "yes." And, once again, it appears that Coats is playing games. Coats responded to that question at the time saying: "Not to my knowledge. It would be against the law." That seems like a pretty clear and definitive answer: "no." Which is as it should be.

But then... something weird happened. The very next day, Coats' office put out a "clarifying" statement (ruh roh...), saying that Coats had "interpreted" Wyden's question to be referring specifically to Section 702(b)(4) (the part that says you can't spy on domestic communications). But, that's not what Wyden had asked. He had asked about the entirety of 702. So this "clarification" certainly seemed to suggest that Coats' original answer was incorrect in regards to the actual question, and instead, his staff was rewriting Wyden's question to make sure he had answered it accurately.

In other words, it appears that Coats put himself in a Clapper-position, of mistakenly claiming that the NSA isn't spying on Americans under a specific authority when it absolutely is -- and the reinterpretation of the question was his retroactive attempt to make his answer "truthy."

Not surprisingly, this didn't please Wyden, who quickly asked Coats to officially answer the original question with a yes or no, and not the reinterpreted question his office claimed he had answered.

Coats has now sent "an answer" but not a good one. He's now claiming that it's classified, and also takes some weird shots at Wyden for asking such a question in the first place:

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Telecom Industry & FCC Use "Diversity" & Non-White Probots to Undermine Net Neutrality & Consumer Protections 

From [HERE] For years one of the greasier lobbying and PR tactics by the telecom industry has been the hijacking of minority and civil rights groups to help parrot awful policy positions. Historically, such groups are happy to take financing from a company like Comcast, in exchange repeating whatever memos are thrust in their general direction -- even if the policy dramatically harms their constituents. The tactic of creating or "co-opting" such groups helps foster the illusion of broad support for awful, anti-consumer policies, whether that's support for the latest competition-killing merger or support for the assault on net neutrality.

Because this cozy quid pro quo is implied but never put into writing, ISPs traditionally respond with breathless indignance to the mere suggestion they're using minority voices as policy props. But Comcast has found that tactic consistently so successful, a few years back it went so far as to give its top lobbyist, David Cohen, a new title: "Chief Diversity Officer." Said title not only lets Cohen profess the company's unwavering dedication to minorities with one hand while undermining them with the other, but helps him skirt the government's flimsy restrictions on lobbying.

A few weeks back boss Ajit Pai [in photo], an Indian American probot [a propagandizing programmed robot or an official representative who disseminates lies, distortions and convenient mass truths composed by a superior overruling elite.] proxymoronically announced the creation of a new "Advisory Committee on Diversity and Digital Empowerment," a group Pai insisted was established to champion the voice of every American, “no matter their race, gender, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation." But as we've noted before, Pai's breathless support of closing the digital divide is utterly illusory, as his policies (ranging from gutting popular consumer protections to protecting the cable industry's monopoly over the cable box) consistently involve undermining consumer interests while encouraging industry rate hikes.

[Neely Fuller explains that racism is carried by racists who are masterful liars who go on deceiving non-whites, who are very gullible. Racists use various pretenses such as "pretending to promote justice, while working to hinder it or "pretending to provide economic progress while working to hinder it."] 

Pai has appointed Julia Johnson, a Black probot who is president of a consulting firm called NetCommunications, to lead the Advisory Committee. Not too surprisingly, The Intercept was quick to highlight how Johnson has a long history of actively undermining minority interests on behalf of the Multicultural Media, Telecom & Internet Council, a Comcast, AT&T and Verizon funded vessel specifically designed to help provide illusory minority community support for these companies' positions:

"Shortly after Trump named Pai to lead the FCC, the Multicultural Media, Telecom & Internet Council — a nonprofit chaired by Johnson and funded by Comcast, AT&T, Verizon, and other large telecom firms — released statements praising Pai’s appointment and endorsing his strategy for unwinding the net neutrality protections secured during former President Barack Obama’s administration. MMTC’s pro-Trump administration statements, cast as being made on behalf of communities of color, are typical of Johnson’s approach. Over the years, Johnson has used racial minorities as a cudgel to disingenuously lobby on behalf of industry."

It should go without saying, but mindlessly cheering for competition-killing mega-mergers raises rates and harms consumers -- minority or otherwise. As does advocating for the destruction of popular net neutrality and broadband privacy rules. Such protections, however imperfect, help prevent large, incumbent ISPs from abusing the obvious lack of competition in the broadband market. With little to no competition, we've watched as companies like AT&T have tried to charge users a steep premium for privacy, and companies like Comcast have slowly but surely imposed arbitrary and unnecessary usage caps.

We've also noted how this lack of competition has resulted in a large number of minority communities being left behind completely when it comes to next-generation broadband. Groups like the MMTC and dollar-per-holler allies like Johnson have consistently undermined efforts to actually do something about these problems. And getting them to admit their financial ties to giant ISPs has long proven comical, as Ed Markey found out in a 2006 hearing when he tried to uncover whether Johnson was being paid by the telecom industry to oppose policies aimed at forcing ISPs to expand broadband coverage to disadvantaged areas:

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Federal Court rules Trump administration cannot withhold grants from 'sanctuary cities'

From [HERE] A judge for the US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois ruled [opinion, PDF] Friday that the Trump administration cannot withhold grants to so-called "sanctuary cities," issuing a nationwide injunction.

US Attorney General had said in March that cities failing to enforce immigration laws may be cut off [JURIST report] from Department of Justice (DOJ) [official website] grants, and the city of Chicago filed a lawsuit [JURIST report] in August after the DOJ placed restrictions on certain grants.

US District Judge Harry Leinenweber ruled Friday that Sessions lacked authority to place restrictions on the grants, violating separation of powers:

The notice and access conditions therefore exceed statutory authority, and, consequently, the efforts to impose them violate the separation of powers doctrine and are ultra vires. The City has shown a likelihood of success on the merits as to these conditions.

Leinenweber declined to block a requirement that cities certify their compliance with a federal law barring local governments from restricting the sharing of information with federal immigration authorities.


Racist President of the Racists Defends ‘Both Sides’ Remark Before Signing Meaningless Anti-Hate Resolution

Racists are people who practice white supremacy. White supremacy is the promotion of falsehood, non-justice, and/or incorrectness based on factors associated with the "color" and/or "non-color" of people. [MORE] From [HERE] Anytime President Trump issued an unequivocal condemnation of the white supremacists who held a violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last month, he quickly found some way to walk it back, defending the remark that kicked off the weeks-long controversy: “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides — on many sides.”

This week, Congress unanimously passed a joint resolution that was meant to put Trump on the record as rejecting “white nationalism, white supremacy, and neo-Nazism as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to the values that define the people of the United States.” This was nearly the very least Congress could do to register its opposition to Trump’s Charlottesville stance, and on Thursday the president managed to find a way to undercut the resolution’s impact even further.

During a press conference on Air Force One, in which Trump made incendiary remarks on a number of topics, he was asked about his meeting with Senator Tim Scott, the chamber’s token black Republican, a day earlier. Scott is a Sambo, a self-loathing Negro lacking self-knowledge and a confused SNigger or Black person with an intellectual base yet devoid of intelligence with a a frivolous conception of society who are also traitors to Blacks. SNiggers like Scott believe racism is a relic or thing of the past and have little to do with the "right now." Scott had told reporters his aim was to “inform and educate” the president on why his “both sides” rhetoric was problematic, even if some counterprotesters engaged in violence too. “I shared my thoughts of the last three centuries of challenges from white supremacists, white nationalists, KKK, neo-Nazis, so there is no way to find an equilibrium when you have three centuries of history,” Scott said. ThankSnigger. 

This is how Trump summed up the meeting on Air Force One:

[Senator Tim Scott and I] had a great talk yesterday. I think especially in light of the advent of Antifa, if you look at what’s going on there. You have some pretty bad dudes on the other side also, and essentially that’s what I said. Now because of what’s happened since then with Antifa, when you look at really what’s happened since Charlottesville, a lot of people are saying, and people have actually written, ‘Gee, Trump may have a point.’ I said there’s some very bad people on the other side also. But we had a great conversation. And he has legislation, which I actually like very much, the concept of which I support, to get people into certain areas and building and constructing and putting people to work. I told him yesterday that’s a concept I can support very easily.

Hours later, the White House announced that Trump had signed the congressional resolution calling on his administration to “speak out against hate groups that espouse racism, extremism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and white supremacy.” While Trump is known to love a good bill-signing photo-op, the White House just released this statement: [MORE]


After White Judge Acquits White Cop, Powerless Blacks Try to Get Heard in St Louis 

White Judge Believed [Whatever] White St Louis Cop [said] Tried to Save Black Man who "possessed" a Gun that Only had Cop DNA & Fingerprints On it [MORE] Story is below.