As Failed President Sets Disapproval Ratings Record, Mr Paper Boat [Trump] Tries to Control the Domain of Discourse
Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 03:53AM

Trump ally Michael Savage calls for government takeover of the media following shooting at GOP baseball practice From [MediaMatters] Right-wing radio host Michael Savage called for a government takeover of media following a shooting at a baseball practice of Republican members of Congress.

Five people, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA), were wounded during baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia. The assailant, “identified by multiple law enforcement officials as James T. Hodgkinson II” was killed by police after exchanging gunfire.

Responding to the shooting, Savage questioned whether Trump should “take control of Twitter” and asked, “Is it time for the government to take control of the out of control pirates on social media...who do not monitor left-wing haters.” He also advocated for removing Rachel Maddow and others from the airwaves by the federal government, citing “their constant drum beat of their hatred against Trump and Republicans, calling for, among other things, resistance with their sneers every night?”

Savage later argued that CNN and MSNBC were “practicing a silent form of jihad against America” and demanded that Republicans “call a hearing a make the heads of CNN and MSNBC answer to them as to what they are doing to curtail the sneering hatred of Rachel Madcow [sic] in particular.”

Savage concluded his tirade by warning that the violence created by the media’s “jihad” “is only the beginning” arguing that the shooter was inspired to violence by “the hatred for Republicans and Trump” of the media.

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