The "Blight House" Now Minus One Token Sambo: The Mo-tea-suh Tribe Stunned After Step & Fetchit Coordinator Omarosa's Exit
Saturday, December 16, 2017 at 10:04PM

More Tea Sir? "I'm the only African-American woman who sits at the table," Omarosa Manigault Newman, the former "Apprentice" contestant and departing White House senior staffer said in an interview Thursday morning. Indeed, "the only" as in token. She functioned as the official WH step and fetchit coordinator. Wednesday's announcement that the controversial aide was leaving her White House post has brought with it new questions about diversity — or lack of it — in the Trump White House.

Omarosa, along with Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, were the only black voices among more than 30 Cabinet secretaries and senior staff members around President Donald Trump. Though the position is not Cabinet level, Surgeon General Jerome Adams, an African-American, has been serving massah since September. [MORE] They are the final token SNiggers. 

According to Dr. Blynd in FUNKTIONARY

The Moteasuh Tribe - the miseducated coin-operated buck dancing, sole-shuffling, politically dis-appointed kneegrows who pander to Massah's agenda - Mo' Tea Sir? This tribe of sorry ass kneegrows follow the dictates and even orchestrates the marching bandits of racism white supremacy as spewed forth from the mouthpieces of political power within the borders of the Witches Castle. It's the Condi-Clarence-Powell complex - that is, those who do Massah's bidding as if you weren't kidding yourself that you were doing otherwise. Keep your eyes on the lies, the liars, and the disguise. (see McNegro). 

Sambo - a self-loathing Negro lacking self-knowledge. "A willing slave gets upset if you refuse to acknowledge his or her master. Usually when people say 'act responsibly,' what they mean is: 'cowtow to the conforming lies we call truths.'" -George Battailles. The old saying still holds true: "The value of a dollar, will never, ever drop as low as the standards of some miseducated self-hating Negroes to obtain it." (See: Sniggers, Mentacide, Self-Hate & Slavery)

Self-hatred - absence of knowledge of Self. 2) a projected walking corpse that appears as one's rejected sense of self, culture and ancestral heritage—acting as a mirror and a constant reminder of what one despises in his or her own colonized mind. Self-hatred is a feeling that should be dead—though un-tombed as an apparition—still haunts both our imagined selves as well as the imaagined selves of "others." Self-hatred is a mental disease—a falsification of cultural consciousness. Whoever loves his disease must be cured of love to be cured. (See: Black-on-Black Crime & Narcissistic Projection).

shenanigger - a Negro (neo-lawn-jockey) who carries out Step-n-Fetchit type activites/actions (shenanigans) for the dominant immoral majority (the psychopathic white power semi-organism), i.e., the Rhodes, Rothschild, Anglo Saxon Zionist power clique, unknowlingly at the expense of him/herself and knowlingly at the expense (sell-out/buy-out) of his people and culture. (See: McNegro, Coin-Operated, The Moteasuh Tribe, Sambo & SNigger).  

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