No, Ta-Nehisi: "When YOU Realize that you are a Nigger, the moment of that realization, you're no longer a Nigger" 
Friday, November 10, 2017 at 05:48AM

Yes, But Can You Make a Mirror Out of a Brick? Above is video from [Vox] of Ta-Nehisi Coates, author of We Were Eight Years in Power, talking to a mostly white audience at Evanston Township High School in Illinois. "Educating" white people about a system they pretend not to understand will not neutralize or fight the power of white supremacy/racism.  De-colonize & revolutionize your own mind. Fuck what they are doing & saying. [quote in headline is James Baldwin as quoted by Doc Blynd in FUNKTIONARY]

According to Dr. Bobby Wright, 'by and large, white people treat each other humanely. But in their relations with non-white people, white people function as psychopaths." "It is pathological for Blacks to keep attempting to use moral suasion on a people who have no morality where race is the variable." [MORE] "People who classify themselves as White, who wish to be taken seriously, and who are righteous and responsible, will only talk about ending White Supremacy (Racism) and replacing it with Justice." [MORE]

Tired of Nigger Shit. 'The vested interests have invested Billions in Nigger, Bitch & Ho. It is mentacide designed for maximum demeanment and degradement of Black people. Not fun & games. Reducing yourself to less than trash. [MORE] Yes, when you know through being what nigger is, you will drop nigger and want nothing to do with nigger shit. Anon explains, "in the absence of white supremacy, niggers would not exist." "Once we understand what a "nigger" is, we will understand that a made-up word does not define who we are; it defines what is being done to us." [MORE]

In FUNKTIONARY Dr. Blynd explains:

NGHR - the consonant-letter-configuration for the ineffable (unmentionable) derogatory name ascribed to Afrikans, first by ignorant and degenerate Caucasians, then by us—especially here in racist Amerikkka. We use the unexpressed letters "NGFfR" to convey the reality that we cannot delete (erase) the name, nor can the name "Nigger" for which it represents, be rehabilitated or commandeered to a word of endearment (without dire consequence)—even between two Afrikans conscious of the damage and semantic baggage the name carries and the atrocities carried out from its dehumanizing effects without—and the psychological effects of self-hatred deep within. When group slurs are used to insult an individual—in person our through the media—unwittingly a whole people are being attacked in the process. Using the "N-word" loosely among ourselves arms those who are our natural enemies the aided ability and added enmity to act out their madness upon us as we act-out (perpetuate) the self-hate buried within and behind the seemingly harmless expression that whenever spoken is exhumed and haunts us like a ghost off the Goree Island coast. The "brother" who playfully embraces you with a hug around the neck as he greets and speaks "My Nigga," is more likely (than not) the same one who will point a gun to your dome and pull the trigger. Supposedly though, you were his "Nigger," so now being a statistic only your survivors are left to go figure. Through the means of languacultural and literary exorcism the historical word "Nigger," whenever summoned by a writer, should now be written as "NGHR" to inform all others that you have consciously taken control over your use of the nefarious name and realizing that using it from now on will never be taken, given or accepted the same nor will it be spoken like its all just a harmless game. "NGHR" is alsc an acrostic for "Now Giving Honor Respectfully." That is, we are no longer giving the "N-word" circulation because its currency has always been spurious, inflammatory, "illegit" and strictly counterfeit.

Nigger "A non-white person who is subject to the system of White Supremacy." -Neely Fuller Jr. 2) someone who can take "please" not just to another level, but to a whole 'nother dimension. 3) any unwanted or undesired non-removable presence. 4) the consciousness of having no weigh-in and no way out—uselessness. You can avoid or even evade a nigger but you cannot escape him. Niggers are only of the male gender as there is no such feminine receptivity in a nigger unless you think in terms of a sponge. The thing about a nigger is that you won't know one when you see one (unless you've become one or sporadically act as one), rather you will only see one when you really ignore one—that's when a real nigger will appear (show up and show out). A nigger never really arrives anywhere—a nigger simply "comes out" (exposing himself by imposing himself on others) with unstoppable insistence and unflappable persistence when various situations precipitate its manifestation Niggers are not born-they are made in the lkeness of the prevailing confluence of psychological states and socio-economic conditions (e.g. mentacide, self-hatred, drug addiction, and double-consciousness-due exclusively, or at least primarily  to racism white supremacy), and the level (or state) of consciousness present in their upbringings and current surroundings. Have you observed in general that most niggers exhibit a need to get out, but don't desire going anywhere in particular? Niggers amplify the intrigue tied up between man and being, having and not having, accountability and no-countability, needing and wanting, and being and doing. Not all niggers are blacks; not all blacks are niggers—the tacit commonalities are not confined to race or localities, but to complicit modalities. That's why niggers act the same regardless of their locale or game. Don't get it twisted— not only blacks end up getting blacklisted. Niggers are swift-lipping, ego-tripping jive-ass ghetto philosophers—always asking you things like "What it is?" Knowing full well that "it" just like the word "nigger" itself is undefined and without context, and "is" merely an ontological unknown. Some folk got hip and began retorting "What it look like?" Nigger's response—"Solid." No, all is not solid, but to a nigger it doesn't matter if it isn't solid matter because he nevertheless has just turned the matter of the exchange into the energy necessary to bug you for a second light for his only square—because, to a nigger, its all relative, and you're related—a "brother"—or even called "blood." In his dereliction, a nigger is often bereft of the distinction between the act, the fact, and the fiction. A nigger can never be an outlaw; and an outlaw can never be a nigger. Try as you may, a nigger cannot be saved—only preserved—because you get what you deserve; respect is something earned. Nigger's lament: Everybody knows of me, but nobody knows, nor cares to know my name—they call me one just the same. We've got to save— Black People. Nigger please! We've got to love—Black People. Nigger Please! Without further adieu, I end my soliloquy on you know who—appears to be one too just like you. You can take niggers out of the ghetto but, you can't take the ghetto out of niggers. "Niggers are scared of revolution." -The Last Poets. "Yo' nigger this, and Yo' Nigger that—I don't want to be called Yo' Nigger!" -Flava Flav (Public Enemy). "While non-Blacks may embrace the N-word, their African-American counterparts face the consequences of its use, within and outside of the community. For some, the word is just a word, but for others, it is a legacy of racism and possibly, internalized oppression." -Kristine Wright. "When you realize that you are a nigger, the moment of that realization, you're no longer a nigger." -James Baldwin. Bored of toleration, they have dismantled the Board of Education and created for us the Board of Incarceration instead. The architects of White Supremacy never gave the word "nigger" a definition—if they did, they realized it would go away." (See: Racism White Supremacy, HOOD, Outlaw, GHETTO, SOON, Hip-Hop, Rap, Definitions, Oppression, P.I.C., B.O.P., Eugenics, Neo, Black Flask Brigade & RISE)

nigger- a species of caterpillar—known also as a 'black-jack.'

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