From [HERE] Attorneys general from 17 US states urged Congress in a letter [text, PDF] Monday to abandon legislation that would require states to validate concealed-carry gun permits issued in another state, regardless of their own gun law restrictions.
The attorneys general argue that the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 [text, PDF] could "lead to the death of police officers and civilians, the proliferation of gun traffickers, and acts of terrorism and other mass violence."
They further argue, "Under the legislation, our residents would lose the protections that their legislators and law enforcement agencies have deemed appropriate, in favor of rules made by States legislating for very different local conditions. Rather than creating a new national standard for who may carry concealed firearms, these bills would elevate the lowest state standard over higher ones and force some States to allow concealed carry by people who do not qualify under their laws. The House bill would override some state laws that prohibit carrying concealed weapons in bars, schools, shopping malls, movie theaters, subways or parks. States would not be able to enforce those restrictions." Attorney General Kilmartin of Rhode Island argues [press release] that the bill would weaken local prohibitions on violent misdemeanor offenders, domestic abusers and other similar non-felony offenders whom some states have determined pose a danger.
The 17 states in opposition of the bill are: New York, Massachusetts, California, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Virginia, Rhode Island, District of Columbia, Delaware, Iowa, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Connecticut, New Mexico, Washington and North Carolina.