From [HERE] A federal appeals court has breathed new life into a wrongful death lawsuit filed against Las Vegas police by the family of a man who died in custody after he was stunned by a Taser a dozen times over a 2-minute span.
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals granted an appeal Friday filed by the family of 44-year-old Anthony Jones.
Court records show one of the officers deployed his Taser 10 times in 90 seconds, even as Jones was being handcuffed after he tried to flee a traffic stop in 2010. At the same another white officer also was tasing Jones. [MORE]
The appellate judges overturned most of an earlier, lower-court ruling that dismissed the case partly because the name of Jones' estate was incorrectly listed as a plaintiff.
The case now returns to federal court in Las Vegas for a new trial to determine whether the officers' acted unreasonably.
In the Jones family lawsuit, four officers were named as defendants. The lawsuit alleges unreasonable search and seizure, excessive force, false arrest, battery and negligence. The lawsuit says Tasers were used on Jones for more than 100 seconds. It says that before the encounter got physical, Jones was detained without probable cause and without reasonable suspicion. [MORE] Taser International Inc., the manufacturer, also was named as a defendant.
The lawsuits claim police also failed to provide prompt medical care.
Because of this incident, the department changed its Taser policy to stop multiple officers from using the weapon on someone at the same time. Also, policy was changed to restrict Tasers from being used for more than three five-second cycles.