Dirty Motherfucker Couldn’t Rig the Inauguration Turnout: National Park Service Photos Reveal Poor Showing
Saturday, January 21, 2017 at 07:20AM

From [HERE] and [HERE] So much for his huge ratings draw. Despite the unseasonably warm weather, the crowds at Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremonies on Friday fell well short of expectations.

The record for inauguration attendance belongs to President Obama, who delivered his first inaugural address before an estimated 1.8 million people in 28-degree weather. His second inauguration was smaller, but still drew roughly one million people. Last month, Trump tweeted his intention to set a new attendance record.

Planners were less bullish, preparing for a Friday crowd of roughly 800,000 people. Early estimates aren’t in yet, but photos taken on the mall suggest even those estimates were wildly optimistic. Here are two crowd shots, one of President Obama’s 2009 inaugural, the other from shortly before Trump’s. [MORE

President Trump’s administration apparently hasn’t gotten its hands on the National Park Service Twitter account just yet, because the agency is retweeting some things that would likely hurt our new president’s feelings. [see top photo of tweet] 

As of 4:30pm ET today, the account’s retweets of two fairly anti-Trump tweets—found here and here—were still up on its page. 

Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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